I. Coding Course (Python)

Every Saturday from 9.30 am to 11.30 am. To register please call at 1800 503-1238 or send an email at ccpvtoronto@outlook.com

Basic Python

Advanced Python


 1.  Environment Setup

 2. Basic Syntax

 3. Variable Types

 4. Basic Operators

 5. Decision Making

 6. Loops

 7.  Numbers

 8. Strings

 9. Lists, Tuples & Dictionary          

 10. Date & Time

 11. Functions

 12. Modules & Packages

 13. Files I/O

 14. Exception Handling

 15. Data Analysis using Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn


 1. Generators

 2. List, Dictionary & Set Comprehensions

 3. Regular Expressions

 4. Sets

 5. Serialization

 6. Closures

 7. Decorators

 8. Map, Filter, Reduce

 9. Classes/Objects  (OOPS)

 10. Inheritance

 11. Database Access & Operations

 12. Multi Format File Parsing (.xlsx, .xml, .json)

 13. Networking

 14. Sending Email

 15. Multithreading & Multiprocessing

 16. GUI Programming

 17. Queues & Stacks

 18. Unit Testing

 19. Logger

 20. Code Execution & Control (loguru, heartrate, heatmap, snoop)

 21. Selected Stack Overflow Q & A

 22. Interview Q & A


 1. Web Scraping using Beautiful Soup

 2. EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) on sample datasets – Heart Disease Prediction, Car Price Analysis, etc.

 3. Website development in Flask

 4. Snake game development

 5. The Quiz project

 6. Stock trading news alert project

 7.  Flight deal finder

 8. Creating a Spotify playlist project

 9. Selenium webdriver browser project

 10. Twitter data analysis project, etc.


II. Basic Life Support Course

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